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Science + STEM

As natural scientists, young children practice observing, questioning, and describing the world around them. They begin to grasp the many ways in which science relates to their everyday experiences. Science exploration begins informally for Preprimary and Primary students with teacher-guided inquiry and observation. Science classes begin for students in Kindergarten and continue through Third Grade. Collaboration, communication, and being a member of a scientific community are emphasized.

Focus is on the scientific method, which begins with a question and formulation of a hypothesis, followed by observations that are recorded. By Third Grade, students are encouraged to create their own inquiries, help design experiments, and analyze and communicate their results.

Science activities are hands-on, offering real-world applications and solutions. Units of study cover many aspects of scientific inquiry and are informed by the 

At all levels there is an emphasis on environmental education. We pride ourselves on teaching our students to be stewards of the environment. In 2014, Concord Hill School became a certified Maryland Green School.

First page of the PDF file: HamCam

Meet Niblet, our delightful little resident CHS hamster! You can tune in live to see her here! Whether she's cuddled up sleeping, spinning on her wheel, or enjoying her food, students get to observe and monitor her growth and behaviors as part of our Life Sciences curriculum.