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At Concord Hill School, we encourage routine, intentional, and developmentally appropriate use of technology. Rather than simply teaching students how to use the latest technology, we incorporate technology as a tool across disciplines to enhance the educational experience, where appropriate. CHS is positioned to educate and empower students to become intelligent digital citizens through the safe and responsible use of technology. We also encourage additional professional development opportunities both at Concord Hill and other locations, so that our teachers, administrators, and greater community are up to date with evolving technology and related best practices.

The above practices align with recommendations from the joint position statement of the NAEYC and the Fred Rogers Center for Early Learning, and are guided by the ISTE Standards for Students.


Students can be seen working collaboratively or on their own as they use iPads to create, research, reflect and present to others. Classroom SMART boards enable interactive learning experiences that enhance the curriculum.


Considered the new literacy, coding teaches problem solving, critical thinking, and perseverance, while embracing innovation and creativity. Our First, Second, and Third Grade classes meet in the Makerspace, where students not only use computer software to program 2D robots on computers and 3D robots to move around the room, they also practice writing code. Students also have the opportunity to use the robotic elements for creative discovery.


Fostering digital citizenship aligns with the Concord Hill Mission Statement. We empower students to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in our digital world by following Common Sense Education's Digital Citizenship Curriculum.