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Our 4 C's

Concord Hill School values and cultivates the 4 Cs in our community of life-long learners…

Concord Hill cultivates environments where children’s innate curiosity can flourish. Students develop the confidence to seek answers to their questions and continue to build knowledge and wonder about the world around them. By nurturing, encouraging, and inspiring curiosity, our community of learners develops a lifelong desire to continually learn, grow, and innovate.

Concord Hill cultivates a culture of care. Students grow from being kind and respectful to developing a care for others. Our community of learners make choices to treat others well, foster fairness, and cultivate a sense of collective wellbeing.

Concord Hill cultivates courage. Students learn to take risks and grow from their experience, speak up for themselves, and problem solve. Our community of learners extend their courage beyond the school by recognizing that, regardless of age, they are confident in advocating for themselves and for a caring, inclusive community.

Concord Hill cultivates connection. Students develop their own sense of identity and learn the skills to connect meaningfully with others. Experiencing a sense of connection and belonging gives our community of learners a foundation of emotional security and the resilience essential for taking risks as a learner throughout life.