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Upcoming Admission Events

Accepted Families Breakfast

Friday, March 8, 9:30-10:30 AM

Congratulations on your acceptance and welcome to CHS! Concord Hill's faculty, students, and current families would like to welcome you, and other accepted families, for a breakfast to celebrate joining our community! This event is just for adults. We'll be able to answer questions, take tours, and help with enrollment! We hope to see you there!

Please register below and feel free to come as early as 8:45 AM to join us for Community Meeting before the breakfast begins!


Parent / Caregiverrequired
First Name
Last Name
Parent / Caregiver
First Name
Last Name
Please format as (xxx) xxx-xxxx
Prospective/New Student Namerequired
First Name
Last Name


Prospective/New Student Name
First Name
Last Name